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Excellent health on all the 2016 pups ❤️

Excellent health results today at the vet specialist! 😄❤️ Litter born 2016-11-21 Sire: CH NORD, SE, NO, FIN, DK, LV Channas Maestro at Marquant Dam: CH NORD, SE, DK, FIN, Danish W-17, NORD W-15, JWW-15, EU JW-15, SEJW-15, IT JCH Chippichawas Miss Concorde 💙Admiravel Crazy Man In Beard Eyes clear Patella 0/0 ❤️Admiravel Black Ascot Eyes clear Patella 0/0 ❤️SEW-17, SEJW-17 Admiravel Red Velvet Eyes clear Patella 0/0 And litter born 2016-10-12 Sire: CIB, CH GER, Amsterdam W-15 Cicely Charles Neuhaus Dam: CH SE Total-Unzipped 💙Admiravel High Ambitions Eyes clear Patella 0/0 💙Admiravel Willpower

Eyes clear Patella 0/0

Admiravel High Ambitions

Griffon bruxellois SEV-17, SEJV-17 Admiravel Red Velvet

Griffon belge Admiravel Black Ascot

Griffon Belge

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